Michael Bortolotto
Inspirational Speaker
Keynote Presenter - Author - Mentor
For 38 years, Michael has been an acclaimed international speaker and author who delivers keynote speeches and presentations about inclusion, equity, and diversity.
He uses his life experiences, self-developed resiliency, learned knowledge, and the positive rebel's frame of mind to inspire and educate his
audiences through the power of storytelling.
His expertise inspires people to look beyond one another's misunderstood or misinformed differences. He teaches his audience one of two simple mindset strategies that will help them change their limited thinking, uncomdfortable feelings, and unjustified perspectives. So, individuals can embrace socially challenging moments to develop and maintain friendly, supportive relationships in society.
Wow! Michael Bortolotto, really puts things in perspective! In these times of overwhelming negativity, stress, and tumultuous change, Michael offers a different and positive perspectives, and gives us tools to face the challenges of today’s world that are inspirin and thought-provoking. The result? Less negative distractions and more focus on dealing with “the world” from a positive point of view. I came away from Michael's presentation refreshed and much better prepared to face change.
Bob Anderson, FortisBC Inc.

Comox Fire Rescue has had Michael Bortolotto speak at our fire station on numerous occasions to both our firefighters and students in our youth program. Michael's message is very educating, inspiring, and on target with our goals. I strongly believe he has made a positive impact with many of the people who had attended his presentation. We look forward to working with Michael again soon".
Gord Schreiner, Fire Chief, Comox Fire Rescue
In September 2014, he was honoured with the
prestigious Cathleen Lyle Murray Foundation
Award from the A.A.C.P.D.M.
During the of summer 2010, Michael was recognized as one of the top ten entrepreneur's within the Province of British Columbia, by the B.C. Community Futures Corporation and the Western Diversity Corporation.