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F - 1 - Michael Standing _edited_edited.

Fire Departments


Since the spring of 2004. Michael has travelled throughout western Canada

delivering, inspirational keynote addresses at Fire Chief Association

Conferences and training presentations to fire fighting crews at Fire Departments. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Using the combination of his own personal first-hand experience, knowledge

on self-leadership, insights on how adversity is essential to building-up resiliency, and expertise of using a positive rebel's mindset to reach a higher

level of performance. 









His keynote addresses or training presentations promise to be captivating,

thought provoking, perspective changing and inspiring for fire chiefs, deputy chiefs, training officers, fire fighters first responders, special guest, and spouses. 

Whether he is speaking at conferences, practice evenings, training symposiums, special retreats, and special firemen's events.Michael will use a combination of inspiration, humour, and seriousness to inspire and educate

the members of your audience.

Michael's Signature Presentations.

Fire Departments & Conferences Michael Has Spoken Too.

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Michael's number one goall, is to met your needs by

providing you with the best service possible.

Please click-on the two links below to see how he can

best serve you and your audience member's.

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